Saturday, October 6, 2012

St. Lucia

Today after our safari Dallas and I braved the South African driving again and went to st Lucia, a 85 km estuary to see the hippo and crocs. We only saw 2 crocs but it was evening, starting to cool down, and the hippos were starting to become more active. They sure do make funny noises. (I got it on video). Dallas has some great shots of them yawning....I can't wait to get home to upload them! Did you know hippos kill more people in South Africa Yearly than the big 5? They come out and eat at night so at st Lucia it's not uncommon to find one roaming the streets. I guess last week a hippo bit a guys leg off. Tomorrow we are leaving at 4:30 to go to another game reeve and hopefully see lions!!!

1 comment:

Chels said...

This tidbit about hippos being so dangerous and roaming the streets shocks me.