when i was grocery shopping the other day the pomegranates were on sale, so i thought, what the heck? i decided to go out on a "crazy!" limb and buy not only 1, but 2.
once i got home i realized that i had forgotten how much of a pain they are to eat...which got me to thinking this would be the perfect idea to write a diet book about (*disclamer: this diet isn't exactly what most call healthy). the book will consist of 1 page and that 1 page will say: eat pomegranates every day for the next 8 weeks.
you will either:
1) do the diet
or, what i would do:
2) get so frustrated eating them (getting the outer layer off first, getting a couple of pod things, getting the juice all over your hands and lap and then spitting out the seeds) that you'll give up and won't eat anything

you will either:
1) do the diet
or, what i would do:
2) get so frustrated eating them (getting the outer layer off first, getting a couple of pod things, getting the juice all over your hands and lap and then spitting out the seeds) that you'll give up and won't eat anything
good plan dude. way to think outside the box.
Hey! Coincidentally, I interned at 'Pomegranate Gallery' in NY, so I can tell you a secret I learned from the founding artist, who is obsessed with them... take the pomegranate whole and roll it around between your hands (kind of hard, but not too hard), squishing up the insides and bursting the 'pods.' You can also do this on a hard surface like a tabletop - whatever is easiest. Get it nice and squishy, then tear a hole in the rind, and suck out the juice and pulp. A lot less messy than trying to cut it and eat it! :)
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