Monday, October 26, 2009

i've decided that i'm very happy i didn't strive for all a's my first go-around in college. my chem test tonight (that i did flunk, i'm very sure of it) has left me zit-faced and exhausted. i stared at my test for 3.5 hrs tonight before giving up and having dallas take me out to grab food afterwards. if i had done that for my 4 previous years ..... phew! that's a lot of zits!

tonight while we were eating it was dead silent so i thought i would bring up some kind of conversation. it went something like this (and yes, i'm really into conversations at the moment)

andi: so we started disecting our kitty cats in a&p today. ours was HUGE! it was like 2 williams put together *shove fries in mouth without stopping to breathe* you wouldn't believe how much fat was on this cat! and it was so heavy! oh and i think one of my lab partners totally butchered it already, which makes me really mad because i'm *fries, again* so anal about the dissection....

dallas *unable to get a word in*: *has begging eyes, about to lose his cookies* can we please talk about this later?

ooopsie. sorry dallas!

speaking of fat kitties....


Kim said...

Haha! I love it!! I've had those conversations, where it's nothing to us, but always seems to gross the other person out! Are you going to get human cadavers in your a&p?

Cindy said...

LOL! I love it! Brings back fond memories of my A&P class and the kitty we had. She was very small and skinny and boy did she SMELL!