Saturday, July 20, 2013

vaca pics

d snappin photos

can you spot the carin?  (stacked rocks).  follow them all the way to the top of the mtn.  some are large, some are small.  i am particularity good at this due to the fact i did so many "where's waldo" books during my wait at cello/violin lessons.

the columbines were out in full force at snowmass

culebra had such a natural beauty

route finding/traversing across ellingwood

we made it!  (7:00 pm!  yikes!)  little bear is in the background

headed up the hourglass. 

class 4 climbing through a waterfall = no bueno.  it is miserable.  if there wasn't a good rope there i wouldn't have done it.

k on the top of snowmass.  you can see the bells behind him

looking down the hourglass on little bear.  we're in the middle of the clouds

a look at little bear from ellingwood

crossing the log jam at mile 6 of the snowmass hike in

so happy not to have altitude edema at snowmass

"skeeter control" -- either a)  dress like d or b) wear 4 sprays of mosquito repellent like k

hiking in

snowmass right in front of us--- only 2 more hours of climbing loose rock to summit

snowmass lake.  one of the most beautiful camping spots of all time

going down was almost as bad as going up on snowmass

from afar the rocks looks small and harmless-- they're actually huge boulders that take a lot of energy to jump across

the blanca group from afar

another day at the office.  sometimes it's hard to be at the top of the world.  :)

blanca and ellingwood hidden in the clouds

carin, find a carin. 

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