Monday, July 25, 2011

i've been emotional lately--i know.
sorry to anyone who has talked to me as of recently.
friday was my last day in boulder.
i had a great time working with rob.
it was really hard to leave.

as of today i'm with exempla on their lutheran campus.
i'm still doing ortho
i still don't know what to do with my life,
this is a good option in the meantime!
my commute has lessened from 45(+) min to 10.
right now we're in orientation and it makes you want to jab your eyes with a dull pencil but i'm hoping that it gets better than this. .....
otherwise i may be begging for my old job back.


holste said...

I hope that Day 2 was more exciting! We're thinking of you with your new job!

Lisa Strong said...

congrats on the new venture.

lucy wants to have coffee with you.