Sunday, July 3, 2011

ice cream

this is a subject close to my family's heart.
in the holste household, bunny tracks ice cream is a subject
not to be taken lightly.
we fight over it.
we plan each scoop from the box to strategically
get all the goodies for ourselves.

usually dallas isn't around so ez and i get our own box.
it's a perfect match up.
i get the goodies.
ez gets the vanilla ice cream surrounding.
nothing could be better.....

andi: (eating out of the box and "maybe?" dropping
ez a few here and there)
dallas: are you just digging out the good stuff
and leaving just ice cream behind?
andi: no (i really wasn't. it was level across the top)

dallas: is there any ice cream left?
(like ez and i could eat the whole thing)
andi: yes
dallas: (eating) wow! this is good stuff!
WOW! look at this!
andi: are you just digging out the good stuff?

apparently the double standard rule applies in our house

andi: (going to get ice cream)
did you eat all the chocolate out?
dallas: it was really good! it was the glory hole

ugh. men.
what am i left with?
just plain vanilla
this is the last time we tell dallas where the ice cream is


Breezer said...

You could always just make your own ice cream and distribute the ingredients thoughtfully throughout the whole batch. Or you could hide the goodies in one corner out of the reach of Dallas. Either will work.

Chels said...

"glory hole." I will now be working this new word into my daily vocabulary.