Saturday, December 5, 2009

i've been painting someone's house in my spare time this past month. they are the most wonderful family with the best and funniest kids. things like this crack me up:
(a=andi; m=mom; k1=older kid; k2=younger kid)

a: k1, what are you going to do on your Christmas break?
k1: i don't know. probably eat dinner

k2: mom, what are snowflakes made of?
m: what do you think?
k2: meat
a: giggling and has to stop painting

k2 (coming home from school): wow mom! this is beautiful!
(seriously, what 1st grader says that?)

k2 (to after school friend): hey clyde, you know that sam in our class?
clyde, the friend: yeah...
k2: he's a really good listener
(this kid will have no problem ever finding a girlfriend)

1 comment:

Beth Hesterman said...

Seriously, I have been lol-ing about meat snowflakes since I read that last night... LOL