it's friday?!?
hats off to the single mom's out there. it's a lot of hard work. 2 weeks of single mom-ing: dog walking schedule + ball, school, work, house stuff, trying to find things to eat and training has definitely taken a toll on me. you know it's bad when the other dog walkers at the park (that see me at most 2x/week) ask,
"andi, are you ok? you look like ****"
well, here's a small week of recaps. sorry for no day to day.... i was busy acing my first lab exam
william has slowly been getting day to day haircuts with the goal to eventually have all his dreadlocks removed. (you really have to sneak up on him). needless to say this wears him out and he has no sympathy for me
i feel bad for neglecting ez (who right now is laying at my feet "humming" at me because he is bored and wants to do something.) i got snake, so dr ez now has a new patient to work on for the next month
somehow i managed to kill my 2nd set of mumms that i was so hopeful for. i really put forth an honest effort to water them (blue circle) but the plants i don't water (red box) look much better, ie not dead. next year that's all i'm planting
beth, i have thourghly been enjoying my cocoa gluten free cereal! i'm thinking these + melted marshmellows will be the ticket. even if you aren't gluten free these are still delish

i've been squeezing my crazy intervals in at night. right now apparently my coach is trying to kill me, break me completely down and then build back up. i'm broken! thankfully dallas hooked up cable in our tiled room so i don't feel bad sweating on the floor
i got a kick out of this. at school they were handing out flyers for their bbq they were having. although it was free food, i had to pass the opportunity to get, what!? my face painted!?!? is there a petting zoo too? i'd be up for a henna tattoo but facepainting, really? i saw the flyer and couldn't stop giggling.
this weekend: racing on a combined 5hrs of sleep/night and exhausted legs. oh yes, and studying. i'm also hoping that dallas can fix our kitchen sink that has somehow filled up with dishwasher water from it's last run cycle. its lovely.
happy friday!
hats off to the single mom's out there. it's a lot of hard work. 2 weeks of single mom-ing: dog walking schedule + ball, school, work, house stuff, trying to find things to eat and training has definitely taken a toll on me. you know it's bad when the other dog walkers at the park (that see me at most 2x/week) ask,
"andi, are you ok? you look like ****"
well, here's a small week of recaps. sorry for no day to day.... i was busy acing my first lab exam
william has slowly been getting day to day haircuts with the goal to eventually have all his dreadlocks removed. (you really have to sneak up on him). needless to say this wears him out and he has no sympathy for me

i've been squeezing my crazy intervals in at night. right now apparently my coach is trying to kill me, break me completely down and then build back up. i'm broken! thankfully dallas hooked up cable in our tiled room so i don't feel bad sweating on the floor

i got a kick out of this. at school they were handing out flyers for their bbq they were having. although it was free food, i had to pass the opportunity to get, what!? my face painted!?!? is there a petting zoo too? i'd be up for a henna tattoo but facepainting, really? i saw the flyer and couldn't stop giggling.

this weekend: racing on a combined 5hrs of sleep/night and exhausted legs. oh yes, and studying. i'm also hoping that dallas can fix our kitchen sink that has somehow filled up with dishwasher water from it's last run cycle. its lovely.
happy friday!
Andi, these mums lool like the ones I bought, they are perineals (spelling) its their time of year to die. Simply search for garden mums and how to prep them for winter so they come back next year!
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