Tuesday, August 3, 2010

you will not believe.... but this week i have special parking at work since i am employee of the month!

yes, that's right. i get to park in the "employee of the month" parking space, even though i only get it for one week. so even though i usually ride my bike to work every day, i MUST utilize my special honor by driving to work every day.

ok really, don't be impressed.
i'm pretty sure they just draw names out of a hat.

at any rate, since i'm driving in every day, i thought i'd take a little poll with the boulder traffic. as many of you know, boulder is notorious for several things, one of them being su-bie drivers.... which are people who drive subaru vehicles. normally i'd never notice but non-boulderites are always laughing at the boulder-ites for their little fads and i wondered if this really was one of them

therefore i have decided to take a poll. for the 5 mi i drive thru boulder (10 mi round trip), i'll be counting the numbers of cars i see. for example:
monday: 39 subarus
today: 19 jeeps
tomorrow: no work, water world
thurs: toyota
fri: honda
and we'll just see if this su-bie thing is a misconception or not

i'll even make a graph for you at the end of the week. how fabulous is that?


Sandy said...

i want to go to water world. take me.


Unknown said...

I bet every Su-bie has an Obama bumper sticker on it too.