dallas and i might be sick in the head, but we really enjoy the weekends where we come home and can barely walk.
dallas and i might be sick in the head, but we really enjoy the weekends where we come home and can barely walk.
nothing beats the wednesday night email that you get from fellow snifferdoodle saying "we're in leadville this weekend, what are you doing!?!" and we say "WE"RE THERE!" my whole objective of the weekend was to get my legs trashed at altitude and then use the next couple weeks to recover before the co relay. right now my leg's fine motor mvts are slightly better than when i ran the marathon. here's a rundown (some pics are missing as kyle has these and has yet to send them to us... hint hint kyle!)
wait for dallas to get home from MRI
ez to get back from being sedated for his xrays...
meet kyle & paulette and head to buena vista. camp at the base of mount yale
get up semi early and begin hiking
get lost and go a good extra 40 min than necessary
climb up the east ridge of yale, literally climbing the whole way up over boulders (which is about 10000x more fun than just walking up)
get to the top and watch kyle enjoy his salad that he has hiked up the entire way
only people like kyle hike salad and guac to the top.

snifferdoodle reunion!

since our party has: one person recovering from possible strep, and 2 people with knee injuries, we decide to take the easier way down. this means that when we get to the parking lot our car is still 3 mi away. we decided the best way for me to train for the co relay was to leave the party and run the entire way down the mountain, and down the extra 3 mi to the car and meet everyone by the time they arrive.
drive to leadville, goof off, and then find camping spot in the dark
we were hungry. actually dallas was super hungry.
what best to order than the MACHO NACHOS?

he was quoted at dinner saying "i only eat on platters, not plates."
even the waiter was impressed with his devouring skills

sunday: (pics to come)
mtn bike all over leadville
we were going to just ride the powerline

but the 1:00 rain didn't come.
so we kept riding.
and the 2:00 rain didn't come.....
and the 3:00 rain didn't come.... and we are STILL riding.... and since leadville does not accomodate the gluten free population and my breakfast was slim i bonked around the 1:00pm mark and literally barely made it into town. so we got a good 5 hrs on the bike today. it would have been much more awesome if i had taken food. who knew?
it was an awesome weekend.
i live for weekends like this.
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