you are probably wondering..... what am i supposed to be looking at?
this looks like a bush.
why yes, it is EXACTLY what you should be looking at, because it is what my weekend revolved around.
many of you might remember earlier this year when i single-handily chopped down 3+feet of thick overgrown lilac bush..... single branch by single branch (because it was so extremely thick). at that time, our conversation was like this:
andi: did you notice the bush?! look how much i chopped down!
dallas: yes, i saw it. it looks much better (lack of enthusiam)
andi (10 min later, still looking out window at miraculous change): hey! come look at the bush! did you see?
dallas: yes, for the 10th time, it LOOKS BETTER (patience getting short)
since we have had a lot of rain, the bush has once more got out of hand and it was time to trim 2 feet of small.....very small branches off the top. for this, dallas required me to hold the ladder for him while he used the electronic bush trimmer to do this. now, i must give credit where credit is due.... that thing is heavy and his forearms did hurt for the rest of the weekend.... now the story has changed.
dallas: wow... that is a good looking bush!
andi: remember.... i did that my myself earlier this spring
dallas: yeah.... but now it has shape. look how good it looks. i bet all the neighbors are happy becasue the bush looks SO good
(every 5 min or so) dallas: wow. the bush looks GOOD!
ugh... YES! and since it looks SO good i'm making you all look at how good it looks again!
hopefully tomorrow we have something more interesting to blog about
this looks like a bush.

many of you might remember earlier this year when i single-handily chopped down 3+feet of thick overgrown lilac bush..... single branch by single branch (because it was so extremely thick). at that time, our conversation was like this:
andi: did you notice the bush?! look how much i chopped down!
dallas: yes, i saw it. it looks much better (lack of enthusiam)
andi (10 min later, still looking out window at miraculous change): hey! come look at the bush! did you see?
dallas: yes, for the 10th time, it LOOKS BETTER (patience getting short)
since we have had a lot of rain, the bush has once more got out of hand and it was time to trim 2 feet of small.....very small branches off the top. for this, dallas required me to hold the ladder for him while he used the electronic bush trimmer to do this. now, i must give credit where credit is due.... that thing is heavy and his forearms did hurt for the rest of the weekend.... now the story has changed.
dallas: wow... that is a good looking bush!
andi: remember.... i did that my myself earlier this spring
dallas: yeah.... but now it has shape. look how good it looks. i bet all the neighbors are happy becasue the bush looks SO good
(every 5 min or so) dallas: wow. the bush looks GOOD!
ugh... YES! and since it looks SO good i'm making you all look at how good it looks again!
hopefully tomorrow we have something more interesting to blog about

I'm bored in my Hotel room. Please blog something new.
I agree with Dallas! You should post pictures from this weekend if you have any :)!
Yes. Enough with the bush.
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