Thursday, June 3, 2010

whoever thought of the concept of "working full time" needs to have a mental check. sorry for the delay folks. i've got just a little too much going on over here!

one of the most exciting things is that we got dallas' bike back!!!
just "thumbing" thru ebay one night d found a bike similar to his at a pawn shop in aurora. we looked thru all the detailed pics and it was his bike! what are the odds!? the police were able to seize it from the shop and he's all happy again. PHEW.

the odds of this happening are like 1/10000000000
we should have bought a lottery ticket

may i add......
big "efficient" looking laundry rooms are overrated. DO NOT look at a magazine and wish you had ginormous counter tops. you can sure pile a lot of laundry on here.

1 comment:

Kim said...

WOW, that is amazing about Dallas' bike!! You are so lucky!