dear readers,
so sorry for the lack of excitement & pictures. you see, my camera was literally stolen out of my hands by this guy named dallas who took it to nm and PROMISED to take pictures for my blog. i'm very sorry to report that we have yet to receive pictures on this end...(or maybe yo'ure not sorry because i can't imagine there is anything really to look at in hobbs, nm)....
so instead.... you get to hear about organic chemistry! (now is about the time that you take your computer to bed with you so you can put yourself to sleep very quickly reading this). i first have to admit that i actually would like organic chemistry if we didn't literally fly over it and could spend more time in class learning it. but it is about 100000000x better than chem II because we get to draw pictures! yes! (and no graphing calculator required!)
ok. so tonight we learned things like, how to name compounds! we started off "easy" in the alkanes group, which means that everything is made of single bonds between C & H. other words for this are "saturated" and "sigma bonds". so by the time we were done with the night we were able to look at this GIANT string of (*cough* mumble jumbled crap all thrown together) and come out with something like: 2, 2dimethal, 4 ethalpentane
(check out the sigma bonds!)
i still need to learn the spelling, esp since little discrepancies such as -ane vs -ene make all the difference in the world. (tonight, at the end of my 15 hr day i really didn't care though.) but you get the just of it.
so what can you take home from this? notice the "saturated" above? yip! that's right, as in saturated or unsaturated fats that you consume (just as fyi, i figured this all out on my own and asked the teacher after class.... be impressed). so there are 2 types of bonds. pi and sigma. pi bonds are easier to break (these are either double or triple bonds and called unsaturated). so that is why unsaturated fats are better, since they are easier for your body to break down. saturated bonds are those sigma bonds and are much more difficult.
take home lesson: avoid saturated fats like the plague!
so sorry for the lack of excitement & pictures. you see, my camera was literally stolen out of my hands by this guy named dallas who took it to nm and PROMISED to take pictures for my blog. i'm very sorry to report that we have yet to receive pictures on this end...(or maybe yo'ure not sorry because i can't imagine there is anything really to look at in hobbs, nm)....
so instead.... you get to hear about organic chemistry! (now is about the time that you take your computer to bed with you so you can put yourself to sleep very quickly reading this). i first have to admit that i actually would like organic chemistry if we didn't literally fly over it and could spend more time in class learning it. but it is about 100000000x better than chem II because we get to draw pictures! yes! (and no graphing calculator required!)
ok. so tonight we learned things like, how to name compounds! we started off "easy" in the alkanes group, which means that everything is made of single bonds between C & H. other words for this are "saturated" and "sigma bonds". so by the time we were done with the night we were able to look at this GIANT string of (*cough* mumble jumbled crap all thrown together) and come out with something like: 2, 2dimethal, 4 ethalpentane

i still need to learn the spelling, esp since little discrepancies such as -ane vs -ene make all the difference in the world. (tonight, at the end of my 15 hr day i really didn't care though.) but you get the just of it.
so what can you take home from this? notice the "saturated" above? yip! that's right, as in saturated or unsaturated fats that you consume (just as fyi, i figured this all out on my own and asked the teacher after class.... be impressed). so there are 2 types of bonds. pi and sigma. pi bonds are easier to break (these are either double or triple bonds and called unsaturated). so that is why unsaturated fats are better, since they are easier for your body to break down. saturated bonds are those sigma bonds and are much more difficult.
take home lesson: avoid saturated fats like the plague!
shouldn't that be 4-ethyl-2,2-dimethylpentane?
p.s. while your camera is missing you could use my camera card and post some california pictures from it if you need some colorful filler...
madam smarty pants beezer, did anyone ask you? :) the camera card would be in the mail but someone hasnt' told me wht they want for their birthday yet!
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