well not today, or tomorrow, but soon
today marks completion of week #2 of marathon training.
many of you are probably asking questions, like, why didn't i know about this?
i am about to answer these for you in my self interview.

why didn't i know about this?well, i wanted to get a couple weeks in and make sure hamstring was going to be ok before i became totally devastated. also, because many of you who thought i had semi-mental problems before hand would write me off as totally losing it. earlier that would have crushed my ego but i am up and running again (literally) so i'm ok with it. call me crazy if you like.
i thought you were anti-running?well technically yes. i was. but i think it was because i was scared of being hurt again. now that i have things figured out i'm ready to go. i don't know if i would call what i'm doing exactly running. it may be jogging.... or if the j is silent then yogging.
what happened to cycling?this semester is too crazy to train on the bike. once i get on the bike i want to do well but i just don't have the time to train to get to fitness level i'll want to be at. i am looking forward to cross season though
is your cycling team ok with this?
yes our manager is awesome. she's supportive of everything. i'll occasionally go to spin classes and do cycling team things but my focus is going to be on running. this year i changed from the road team (like i was on last year) to the multi-sport category. this more encompasses cross season anyway. i was planning ahead for this marathon so long ago that when we ordered our team clothing back in november for the upcoming season i got a team sports bra racing thing that the tri-athletes wear. no, i'm am
not doing a tri....but hopefully it will be warm enough to sport the team colors at the actual event!
what does dallas think about this?i think he thinks i'm crazy. none the less it's a good excuse for him to get out of town (well someone is going to have to carry me from the finish line to the airport)
so you don't have time to train on the bike, but think you have time to train for a marathon? yes, correct. i realize that a marathon is also a time suck but you get more aerobic bang for your buck running. example: i can run real hard for 35 min and get a good workout in. on the bike, 35 min will get me thru town and just barely getting warmed up. listen people, if i don't work out i'll go nuts. so either i do it and be happy and figure out how to work it into my schedule, or, i don't do it and be miserable. for those of you that know me, option b is a very, very bad choice
are you sure your hamstring injury is ready for this?yes. i have talked this over extensively with my chiropractor (who just got done healing me). without hesitation he said yes. we are being proactive with recovery, diet, and stretching (85% of this is yoga related). it (hammie) gets tight on runs but it will get used to it sooner or later
when is this marathon?june 6, newport oregon.
why would you choose a marathon in oregon?because i want a vacation after organic chem finals!!! we are going up to meet dallas' cousin in seattle and drive down to the marathon. plus, it is pretty flat, relatively small and at sea level. i'm hoping i feel like a rock star
you think you can get ready for this by then?sure do. if the lady who wrote the book i'm taking the training schedule out of can do it in 5 mo from couch to finish line, i can totally do it. most people should be able to train for a marathon in 5-6 mo, assuming they take care of themselves and train right
so you think you are going to be able to do everything (school, work, training, house, dog..... and cookie making?)
i really have no idea if i can do it all. but i'll die trying. having too much free time tends to get me in trouble
what made you want to do this?
i've always wanted to run a marathon. training for one 6 years ago was how i hurt my hamstring in the first place. just running these last 2 weeks has been awesome. i've really really enjoyed every workout. maybe it was good for me to get off the bike
a bit, pushing myself out of my comfort zone. i know i'll probably get competitive with myself on times....etc but its going to be awesome. and yes, i realize it's going to hurt (i hurt today after 7 mi.... that's less that 1/3 the actual distance) but eh.... maybe i'll get hooked to them and have all kinds of vacation options after this. never the less, i'll have a stellar aerobic base, be ready for the hiking season and then be ready to focus again on cross in the fall
are you documenting this by chance?yes, i have an electronic journal type thing, but hopefully you'll never find it.
any pictures of this process?absolutely not. i will not be posting any pictures of me running in tights anywhere. are you kidding? that would be like blackmailing myself. i will post one at the finish line though.