and it starts.....
i'm back in school to boost the 'ol GPA up a bit before i apply to big person school. thankfully i have a new study buddy. although william doesn't help much with class discussion he does offer wonderful moral support
as you can't see from our dark picture, the ayes won and our basement is a beautiful "classic carmel" color. please note that carmel is in no way shape or form any sort of beige. those caught mentioning the "b" word will have to sit in the corner of the laundry room and listen to everyone else having fun in the CARMEL room
we picked out carpet tonight! it is called "wheatfield," which also has no resemblence to the "b" word.
Beige is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love your choice!!
That looks pretty beige to me! hm...You might call that a taupe or dark tan as well. Pick which one you want :). It looks good, though. Yeah-you're definitely turning into your mother (don't worry, though-that's not a bad thing)!
it kind of does look like beige actually... i don't mind sitting in the corner as long as i can hang out with william
carmel, just another "yummy" word for beige.
Hey Andi, your mom called and she wants her walls back!
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