today lisa and i finished up a job. everything about this job was pretty normal except for the client's extreme anal-ness and worry about what to do with the house key for 3.45 hrs until they returned home from work. this house, after all, is stuck in the 90's (mauve and country blue, with accompanying furniture), is in an extreme residential area, and has kids playing catch on the street. i can see why it would be a targeted house to break into. after much delimma on friday, the client finally came up with a plan:
after locking both the deadbolted door AND deadbolted screen door, i am to place the key (with long string) into an empty pepsi can and then throw it on top of the trash can on the other side of the padlocked fence going into the back yard. ridiculous? uhm, more like totally over the top
ooooh so sneaky!
after locking both the deadbolted door AND deadbolted screen door, i am to place the key (with long string) into an empty pepsi can and then throw it on top of the trash can on the other side of the padlocked fence going into the back yard. ridiculous? uhm, more like totally over the top
also, the geek has updated his blog.... in case you want to check it out!
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