This is a sight I will not be missing.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Down another life
Will I. Am is finally feeling better after his little night the other day. Something had tried to eat him (he's plump, why not?) As he came limping in the dog door, shedding hair nervously, and was quite the mess. 4 days later he is finally wanting attention.
I cant remember but hes down 4-5 lives at this point
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sit down for this
After dinner tonight all 4 brothers ended up doing dishes.
It was awesome. Lets hope the trend continues thru the weekend!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
after a busy week, which included our kickball team losing to the stinky twinkies on wednesday, ez and i went back to atwood for a nice 4 day weekend.
i made the mistake of giving my parents ample notice i was coming back for a long weekend. consequently the list grew.....and grew.... and it has grown so much that i have things to do NEXT time i go back.
a few of our activities included:
*powerwashing 2 buildings
*painting those buildings (a full 2 coats each)
*repainting some cows that were painted on there
*cleaning out 3 generations of crap from a building
*trimming trees
*moving branches to the dump
*finishing up some faux finish i had started a couple years back
by doing all that i was able to eat either cheesecake or icecream for every meal (including breakfast) and still manage to lose a pound. sign me up for every weekend. :)
here is our trailer of stuff for the dump. we had 2 pickup beds full of stuff plus this trailer full of metal. please look at my osha approved dust was nice.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Ignorance is bliss
Since we had a rather (unwelcomed) eventful saturday night spent in the bathroom, we didnt make it out hiking so I thought of another item ive been waiting to get off my "things to do" list. Why dont we park a car in idaho springs and ride there, over squaw pass, on our bikes?
Ignorance is bliss. I had no idea what my fat mouth signed up for. I know many a people do this in the triple bypass (not the heart surgery) but this ride taught me a few things:
1. Im fortunate to have married dallas. Not only does he agree to doing obsurd spontaneous things, he encourages me......even when im whining about the climb the entire way up (whats 5000+ ft of climbing anyway?)
2. Who am I kidding? Maybe I should be more physically fit to do such a ride. I need to start riding more
3. It has been confirmed. Yes, I STILL hate climbing. I know, big shocker out there. Look at dallas and I. Do we look like we are built to be climbers? No. but downhill is sure fun (let me note that despite his size dallas is actually a very good climber).
Sunday, June 12, 2011
All packed up and nowhere to go
We had big plans to tackle massive today. Things change when the gi bug bites ya in the middle of the night.
Actually it got ez and I fri night and d last night. Talk about wasted weekend!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Yesterday I had the day off but had a giant list of things I wanted to do. I thought I could get the front yard done in the morning and have the entire afternoon to play bikes.
Hours later im finishing up at 6 pm. This yard stuff is a lot of work! I may have not got a ride in but im not embarrassed of our house anymore. Well, guests are welcome in the front yard but no further......the rest could use the same tlc
Friday, June 10, 2011
Once upon a week ago this used to be a frisbee. I guess technically it still is.... And in ezra's imagination it still is...
Maybe its just me but I feel like im shortchanging my dog when I throw this small chewed up hunk of plastic across the yard and he still goes for it. Guess we are getting our money's worth
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
i went running
and rode my bike
and then played 2 hours of kickball.
i am pretty sure it will be the kickball that does me in.
i will be sore tomorrow.
(yes, i joined a summer league! it's awesome!)
don't knock it till you try it.

it take a LOT of effort to kick those far,
after you kick it's a full on sprint to base.
i havn't done this much sprinting since high school
(please note the picture above is not our team but merely a representation of what it is like. our team name is "got beer?" which ironically tonight everyone forgot to bring it. do we got beer? no, we do not.)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Happy 30th!
Happy anniversary to my parents!
Nothing says celebrate like donught holes with caramel dipping sauce!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
3rd times a charm
then we tried it yesterday going thru leadville, but that didn't work either;
so today we went thru fairplay.
we left by 5 and were at the top by 9:30.

we were pretty slowgoing but it will get much faster by the end of the summer!

beautiful views on top of the sherman-ator!

there wern't many hikers out today and we were by ourselves at the top, so we decided to repeat our silly pictures part 2.

we had a blast coming down---
well, last week we traveled back to manhattan, ks for beezer (my sister's wedding). she looked real great.

unfortunately, being sister of the bride i didn't get many pictures.
i did make them a mosaic for their wedding, although i can't tell if they liked it.