ahhhh. i love fridays. no work, no school.....
only playing catch-up, but that, yes, i can handle that!
besides doing homework, one of the more productive things we have done at the house is give everyone baths. (since d gets home tonight i thought that we should all be clean, and smell like coconut!.... and it has been a long time since everyone has had one). when i say everyone, that means that i inadvertently get a bath too. d has the camera right now, but here are some good representations of us after bath time.
soaked, but thanks to keratin in our skin i only have to change clothes
voluntarily jumps into bath tub and sits down, full well knowing there's a good rub down and treat awaiting him afterward. he is needing brushed out but is doing his happy dance around the house, making sure to rub it into william that bath-time is really fun. (he also intruded on william's bath and stuck his nose in his face. this went over, well, not so well).
quickly snatch the willimator off the couch and immediately stick under warm water before he really has a clue of what is going on. instantly later, pure panic terror overcome this little kitty. in attempted escape he accidentally turns on the shower head, like he's trying to get his revenge. currently: giving ez the evil eye while he's licking himself off.
only playing catch-up, but that, yes, i can handle that!
besides doing homework, one of the more productive things we have done at the house is give everyone baths. (since d gets home tonight i thought that we should all be clean, and smell like coconut!.... and it has been a long time since everyone has had one). when i say everyone, that means that i inadvertently get a bath too. d has the camera right now, but here are some good representations of us after bath time.


SO productive
you should bust out the hairdryer and see if william freaks out like phyllis does. i know you're busy, but did martha get booted for good? it's been almost three weeks since we've had a cookie update, and i know you've made some since then. maybe phyllis is just so cute that you want her to be at the top of your blog when people look at it :).
I do not recommend the hairdryer! Doodles FLIPPED out when we tried to dry a tiny section near her ear (thanks to the nasty ear mite drops that ruin her hair for a week). You guys are awfully brave (or ridiculous) to give your kitties full baths. :oD Doodles does it enough in one day to last a week.
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