Friday, June 5, 2009

packman competition!

dear virtual readers,

i'm sure that you need a break from the work week. for a fun friday blog i've decided to have a packman tournament (see right). play your game, once, twice, or until you get caught, and post your name and score under comments.

the winner? well if you live close i suppose we could work out some cookies for you. :)
note: it is much easier if you click the "pop out into bigger window"

good luck!
(i'm horrible at this!!!)


andi said...

andi: 8750 (yikes!)

andi said...

andi: make that 17400

Sarah said...

My keyboard apparently has a very slow reaction time which makes it difficult to move around. My first score was 2660. I quit.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to play.
In the meantime, I am passing on a blog award to you, details here:

Sarah said...

Okay, i just played in on my Mac with a much faster reaction time and I still suck. I quit, again.