Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the other day my wonderful friend, lisa, thought of me and my love of fruit snacks. i would have been delighted with just a "small" box of 12, but, while she was at costco she got me what i guess is normal there........ a box of not 12, but 80

while this says it's FAT FREE and made with REAL FRUIT, it is important to keep in mind that every little pouch is 80 calories.

80 cals/pouch x 80 pouches/box = 6400 cals/box
6400 cals/box / 3500 cals/lb = 1.83 possible pounds of fat

even though the box says 4.5 lbs.... there's 1.83 pounds i could gain from calories from this

so here's to you lisa..... for your concern that i'm not riding my bike downhill as fast as i should be!


Unknown said...

Fat man down first!

Anonymous said...

Can you get Nemo fruit snacks at Costco?