due to a recent family tragedy it was such a breath of fresh air (literally) to have hiked huron this morning. i sometimes forget how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful place with a giant playground in the backyard.

can you believe that these pics aren't photoshopped?
i'm pretty sure i didnt spell photoshopped right.
and even the picture above isn't photoshopped.
it's really just THAT beautiful

since ez has to be a debbie-downer this year and can't do much, we're pretty much house bound and if we want to hike we have to leave day of and get back the same day. otherwise we'd just load him in and give him a place in the tent.
looking out from the top. north apostle (13'er) on righthuron is a good hike if:
a) you havn't hiked for a while and need a warm up
b) you have a 4wheel drive vehicle to cut 4 mi of jeep road off the hike
c) you're in a time crunch
d) want an excuse to drive down chaffee county 390
(it is currently 1st place in my book of co roads)
e) want an excuse to drive thru leadville & hit their coffee shop
f) possibly eat at the eddy line in buenie on the way home

the aspens are GORGEOUS right now. actually over kenosha pass the leaves are already falling off... which is really too bad, but they are other places so you just really need to drive and find them
(this is not kenosha pass. this is chaffee county 390, the best road in the world i mentioned earlier)