it's supposed to snow for the next 24 hrs, so i feel very good about working on my report since no one else gets to ride either and i'm not missing out. :) today is catch up from the week around here....
remember barballs? i forgot to blog this earlier. this is 10 min after we brought it home

this is for my mom--- everyone wants love and william is no exception. several time a day, actually, he comes and jumps on my lap while studying

it takes a lot of work to get dallas out of the house in the mornings. i really "love" the days that i turn around after the door shuts and find a secretly placed lovely little present from his office on the counter......uhm dishwasher is on the other side of the sink!

ez has a little friend visiting for 4 days. campi is a good boy though and fun to have around!

one day i said i had to go pick up some stuff at the grocery store, chocolate chips being one of my items to buy. dallas quickly pipes in that he likes the ones in the brown bag more and i should buy them more often. hmm....wonder why? maybe because it tasts like a candy bar? (dallas is becoming quite the chocolo-holic)