it's been a long 2 weeks.....
here's our kansas stay in a nutshell:
friday (19th):
dallas, who has been gone for 3 weeks, gets delayed 3 times back from ND. apparently they are notorious for blizzards up there
sat (20th):
dallas gets in at 2:30 and we leave 45 min later.
to: CO springs for Christmas with the burnums
TTTTD: (total travel time to date): 3 hrs
dallas gets first phone call for work at 8:30
to CO springs for nephew's 1st birthday party
TTTTD: 6 hrs
dallas and i buy new shoes for Christmas. he's not a fan of the extremely flattering free sample panty hose at the shoe store
caravan to u-town (ulysses).
ez is a trooper
TTTTD: 12 hrs
Christmas day, the 25th:
my grandpa decides that he'd like to go to heaven for Christmas. this was a hard cookie to swallow and difficult to accept but he's in a much better place now. we'll miss you grandpa!

we had a really good time hanging out with the Burnums for the holidays. it was fun seeing what kind of stuff they come up with for kids and being with the family. randy, dallas' dad has 2 memory cards full of hi-def pics but somehow i have none
we go to atwood; TTTD: 15 hrs
travel to Manhattan ks
it was surprising to see how the landscape has changed a bit since we last went to school
TTTD: 20 hrs
celebrate my grandpa's life
get coffee at radina's with cammie, just like old times
take ez out for a walk around campus and play ball before the car ride home
it was extremely nice of mr wefald to let us play ball on his lawn
TTTD: 25 hrs
up to date:
celebrating the new year with my family, and headed back the 2nd
ez found out he loves milk, wears himself out on the farm and goes to bed by 7:00
consider this picture our Christmas card as i'm not sending them out this year
don't worry willie--- we're coming back for you!
here's our kansas stay in a nutshell:
friday (19th):
dallas, who has been gone for 3 weeks, gets delayed 3 times back from ND. apparently they are notorious for blizzards up there
sat (20th):
dallas gets in at 2:30 and we leave 45 min later.
to: CO springs for Christmas with the burnums
TTTTD: (total travel time to date): 3 hrs
dallas gets first phone call for work at 8:30
TTTTD: 6 hrs
dallas and i buy new shoes for Christmas. he's not a fan of the extremely flattering free sample panty hose at the shoe store

ez is a trooper

Christmas day, the 25th:
my grandpa decides that he'd like to go to heaven for Christmas. this was a hard cookie to swallow and difficult to accept but he's in a much better place now. we'll miss you grandpa!
we had a really good time hanging out with the Burnums for the holidays. it was fun seeing what kind of stuff they come up with for kids and being with the family. randy, dallas' dad has 2 memory cards full of hi-def pics but somehow i have none
we go to atwood; TTTD: 15 hrs
travel to Manhattan ks
it was surprising to see how the landscape has changed a bit since we last went to school
celebrate my grandpa's life
get coffee at radina's with cammie, just like old times

take ez out for a walk around campus and play ball before the car ride home
it was extremely nice of mr wefald to let us play ball on his lawn
up to date:
celebrating the new year with my family, and headed back the 2nd
ez found out he loves milk, wears himself out on the farm and goes to bed by 7:00
consider this picture our Christmas card as i'm not sending them out this year
don't worry willie--- we're coming back for you!