Friday, May 30, 2008
weekend racing
i won't have anything great for today as i'm doing a 24 hr race with my tough girl teammates! if i make it out alive you'll see some great blogging action sat evening. meanwhile i'll leave you with a moving picture. i'll hire him out by the hr if you're interested!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
new paint job!
so one week into having our house, we felt it was necessary for us to paint the living/dining room. ok, so we really didn't HAVE to, but we couldn't resist.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
paint your house.
dallas earned a few brownie points tonight by rolling out the living room a nice gold color instead of the flesh-ie color previously here. he would have earned extra brownie points, but, instead of riding my bike i went from work (painting) to home (painting). not riding my bike voids any brownie points he would have gotten for helping out. maybe next time.
Monday, May 26, 2008
the honey do list
...... will be growing exponentially! today we had to get some wood glue for a little pantry project we are doing. put me in lowes or home depot and i go nuts with ideas! the wood glue ended up turning into that, and more ideas, and a new outdoor light to replace the one that is plastic and falling off the outside of our house. of course, without fail, i always like the most expensive one. how does this happen every time?
here is the back of it. what kind of people buy these things? i think if you have to have a sticker that says "this end up" you should not be doing fix-ups on your own house
Sunday, May 25, 2008
moving in....
sorry for the delay in blogging..... we've finally moved in and only have a few boxes left to go! yahoo! the highlight of the weekend was watching beezer (unsuccessfully) teach william how to go thru the doggie door....

yah beezer!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
dallas has been taking a vacation since wed. he's been not working for once, and has been helping with the packing. when i get home today one of his boxes is sitting next to mine. so i asked my highly intelligent kitty who was better at packing: andi or dallas

what a smart kitty. he picked MY box, labeled "pantry food" and not
dallas' box labeled "take a guess"
good job william!
what a smart kitty. he picked MY box, labeled "pantry food" and not
dallas' box labeled "take a guess"
good job william!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
pic #3
so the place where we're painting at has some raunchy floors. it's pretty scary in there. brett gracefully shows us how he cuts in the base board of a [closet converted to (=extra disgusting)] office w/out touching the gross-ness
house #3
this is the kitchen (with wonderful light) but not wonderful tiles and not my kind of color. .... can't wait to get my hands on it!

Monday, May 19, 2008
william is thrilled with moving. his current new spot to supervise all activity is on the top shelf of the coffee table. he is growing quite large.... eating like a king while the slaves (dallas and i) do all the labor of packing boxes.
this is a LOT of kitty.
this is going to be my new art studio. except it won't be pink and have flowers in it
this is going to be my new art studio. except it won't be pink and have flowers in it
Sunday, May 18, 2008
since we're closing on our house on wed, i'm going to start posting pictures of the inside (not our furniture). we're tired and pretty sick of packing by this point. yes, pretty boring blog today. here's a pic of the dining area. the door in the back goes to garage
left of the table is a little sunroom thing. we know that our table is going to fit here because we have the same one.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
mountain bike racing....
....... IS HARD! ugh. i have 9 little shifter/gadget things on my handle bars, as opposed to 4 with my road bike. too much to think about. here's my thought process..... OK, going up hill, lock out fork, lock out rear, shift into something easier.... OOOH ROCK! *thump*.... ..... .... .... (heavy breathing. up hill is NOT my thing).... downhill (is NOTmy thing either-- flat and windy is good), uh, ok, uhm, ok, unlock everything... oooh whoops, wrong button, dont' need to be shifting to easy right now..... look ahead, *thump* too late.... uhm, ok....
that's how it was for my entire race today. i CANNOT wait for cross! what did these tough girls sign me up for?
after the race we waited for 4-5 hrs to take a picture, which was well worth it's wait! waiting for podium, lisa has a pretty gnarly sunburn. forearms, shoulders, but no upper arm tan! awesome.

lynn is a superstar and killed it in the single speed. here's lynn and lisa on podium. yes, they do look like they're at the same height but lynn did win. :)
that's how it was for my entire race today. i CANNOT wait for cross! what did these tough girls sign me up for?
after the race we waited for 4-5 hrs to take a picture, which was well worth it's wait! waiting for podium, lisa has a pretty gnarly sunburn. forearms, shoulders, but no upper arm tan! awesome.
lynn is a superstar and killed it in the single speed. here's lynn and lisa on podium. yes, they do look like they're at the same height but lynn did win. :)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
painting frito lay
we get to paint the frito lay chip factory. we are trying to make this a fun, bright cheery place to work (how can you take potato chips seriously?) maybe we have gone a little too far on the bright scale as brett paints the bathroom in sunglasses.
after work we pre-rode the battle of the bear course. i was starving when i got back to the car. so hungry that even the sticker on the apple was good. whoops!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
sunny sunday
today was great. after a nice mtn bike ride we gave lisa a break and babysat lucy for 2 hrs. after she left dallas says "that was fun! i'll do that again!" it's a good thing that lucy is around to satisfy his curiosity for babies.
then we decided to move a little furniture around to make more room for boxes. we found william's gold mine of toys. who knew?
keep in mind this is only 1 couch. we still have an ottoman and 2 couches to go!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
new pet
Monday, May 5, 2008
act out scenes from "Tommy Boy"....... "fat man in a little suit," which translates to: big girl in a little space
this was ALMOST worse than plastering behind toilets. somehow lisa conveniently "goes to the bathroom" when starting these type of jobs. check out the ceiling. it's painted, not wallpapered!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
teach your cat how to do home maintenance

yes, our tub was gross. that's why we're fixing it. for those of you who don't know, if the inspection goes well on tues then we'll close on our house the 21st!
also, after this past week, and especially after today, i'm considering giving up cycling. let me know if you want to buy some stuff
yes, our tub was gross. that's why we're fixing it. for those of you who don't know, if the inspection goes well on tues then we'll close on our house the 21st!
also, after this past week, and especially after today, i'm considering giving up cycling. let me know if you want to buy some stuff
Friday, May 2, 2008
ok so everyone was right... picture will be done tues (only because we have other business to deal with on monday). thanks for being honest.... i guess :(
sometimes i don't think i stimulate my cat's mind enough. if he's this enthused about scissors something is wrong. prolly a good thing that i'm not responsible for the minds of any children at the moment.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
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