Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Since I didn't get accepted into pa school I decided to do something fun for myself and sign up for drawing 1 at the community college. Its been awhile since I've done the drawing thing and I can't Tell you how much I've missed it!

Like any other art class, assignment 1 is to do a self portrait. This is by far my least favorite assignment ever. Since when did I get so many hard lines and wrinkles in my face. So above is my effort. Scary, I know. Please don't judge....
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1 comment:

The Farmgirl said...

Hang in there girl! It took me forever before I was able to draw faces, but you have a great start. The only advice I have? It's all about the proportions...that's what I tell all of my students. If you get the proportions right, then everything else falls into place. Once you get it, it just clicks.