Monday, May 10, 2010

i'm done!!!

this morning was my last final! now i sit and stare at the wall and wonder what to do with my free time. so weird.

anyway....what's been going on here?
1) procrastination technique 1: re-paint our front porch
2) procrastination technique 2: buy ez a new doggie pillow
which i'm thinking that all 3 are a bit much
procrastination technique 3: play ball outside all day with ez. today he is so wore out that sitting upright requires too much energy

laundry room update: ALMOST DONE
here's what is left to do: put a sink in, tile, cabinet hardware and repaint part of the wall
for now, i just painted the countertop since the tile i want isn't in the budget right now. ladies! this could be yours! all you need is 4+ months and a nagging voice. :)

currently: taking suggestions of things to do with free time!


Chels said...

YAY for being done!!!! Congratulations! What an amazing feeling that must be! I'm so happy for you! Now you can de-stress. The laundry room looks incredible! Love the wall color!

mom said...

Big improvement on the laundry room look! Whoa, you need suggestions on something to consume your time....? The list is long :)