here's our conversation tonight
dallas: did you take my picture?
andi: yes
dallas: why?
andi: yo'ure so nerdy with your time machine
dallas: this is nerdy?
yes, dallas, i do believe the bazillion random cords connecting the time machine looking thing-a-ma-jig to the whatcha-ma-call-it completed with EARPHONES is considered uuber nerdy
*andi leaves to go blog picture*
dallas: let me see the picture
andi: you have to leave the nerd station and interact with another human, me, in order to see it. why do you want to see it? it's only of you...
dallas: becasue i want to make sure i don't look dorky
I forgot about that time machine. great visual to follow up with the verbal from many moons ago
The time machine is an ocilliscope. To the left of it is the function generator. If anybody really cares.
Oscilloscopes are commonly used when it is desired to observe the exact wave shape of an electrical signal.
Yes, we know Dallas. Or, wikipedia knows. and we care.
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