Friday, July 11, 2008

friday was filled with uhm.... well, let's just say that the early part of what are usually fabulous fridays did not start off too fabulous.

first, at the studio, i decided to put a quart of bright blue paint into the tint basket without checking to see if the lid was on or not. needless to say by the time it was all said and done the quart of paint actually did bleed thru my pants. mmmmm.... comfy!

then on the way to the clients' house lisa and i got stuck behind this, going a whopping 20 mph. i can see why it was only going 20 mph
today leslie, lisa's sister came to work with us. it was quite fun, even though i was the one reaching in all the high spots because leslie is vertically challenged. here she is standing as tall as she can on a paint can and i'm still taller than her. check out the right thigh of my pants. maybe you shouldn't hire me to paint your house on friday

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